Video 4:
Introduction to German – Vocabulary and exercises

Start learning German! Follow our little course package to become familiar with the language of your new home.

In this video activity set you learn and practise

– how to talk about your job and who you work for

– the masculine and feminine form of job titles

Let’s start! (10 exercises, duration: ca. 20 minutes)


Go ahead and see how well you do in the exercises.

Vocabulary: Professions

Deutsch Englisch
(der) Beruf (the) profession
Was bist du von Beruf? What’s your job? (informal)
Was sind Sie von Beruf? What’s your job? (formal)
Und du?
Und Sie?
And (what about) you? (informal)
And (what about) you? (formal)
Ich bin Techniker. I am a technician. (masculine)
Ich bin Technikerin. I am a technician. (feminine)
Ich bin Techniker bei Bosch. I am a technician at Bosch.
Was ist er von Beruf? What is his job?
Er ist Techniker. He is a technician.
Was ist sie von Beruf? What is her job?
Sie ist Technikerin. She is a technician.
der Techniker
die Technikerin
(the) technician (masculine)
(the) technician (feminine)
der Informatiker
die Informatikerin
(the) software engineer (masculine)
(the) software engineer (feminine)
der Ingenieur
die Ingenieurin
(the) engineer (masculine)
(the) engineer (feminine)
der Marketingmanager
die Marketingmanagerin
(the) marketing manager (masculine)
(the) marketing manager (feminine)
der Finanzchef
die Finanzchefin
(the) head of finance (masculine)
(the) head of finance (feminine)

Grammar: Forms of to be

You have probably noticed that the forms of to be (German: sein) are irregular. Here’s an overview:
German English Example
ich bin I am Ich bin Informatiker.
du bist you are (informal) Was bist du von Beruf, Alexandra?
er ist he is Er ist Ingenieur.
sie ist she is Sie ist Finanzchefin.
Sie sind you are (formal) Was sind Sie von Beruf, Herr Meier?

Exercise 1: Read the sentences and decide: are the professions given in the masculine or feminine form?

Exercise 2: Article der or die? Write the correct forms for the given professions.

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of to be.

Exercise 4: Write the missing form of to be for each sentence.

Exercise 5: Each sentence has one mistake. Click the wrong word.

Exercise 6: Now correct the mistakes you have spotted in the exercise before.

Exercise 7: Complete the dialogues by dragging the missing elements in the right places.

Exercise 8: Listen to the person and fill in the correct information.

Exercise 9: Listen to the person and fill in the correct information.

Exercise 10: Listen to the person and fill in the correct information.


This question set is complete. Be proud of yourself for the effort you’ve put in your learning!
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