Video 2:
Introduction to German – Vocabulary and exercises

Start learning German! Follow our little course package to become familiar with the language of your new home.

In this video activity set you learn and practise

– how to ask for other people’s name and where they come from

– how to give information about other people

– the verb endings in German

Let’s start! (10 exercises, duration: ca. 20 minutes)

Vocabulary: Name, city, country – questions and answers

Deutsch Englisch
ich I
du you (Singular)
er he
sie she
Wie heißt du? What’s your name?
Ich heiße Nina. I am Nina.
My name is Nina.
Wie heißt er? What’s his name?
Er heißt Tim. His name is Tim.
Wie heißt sie? What’s her name?
Sie heißt Sofia. Her name is Sofia.
Woher kommst du? Where do you come from?
Where are you from?
Ich komme aus Hamburg. I come from Hamburg.
I am from Hamburg.
Woher kommt er? Where does he come from?
Where is he from?
Er kommt aus Portugal. He comes from Portugal.
He is from Portugal.
Woher kommt sie? Where does she come from?
Where is she from?
Sie kommt aus Deutschland. She comes from Germany.
She is from Germany.

Grammar: Verb forms

In German, we drop the -en from the infinitive (kommen) and attach verb endings according to the personal pronoun.
* Some verbs have irregular endings. Don’t worry, you’ll learn them by and by.
Regular endings Infinitive: kommen Infinitive: heißen
ich: -e ich komme ich heiße
du: -st du kommst du heißt*
er: -t er kommt er heißt
sie: -t sie kommt sie heißt

Go ahead and see how well you do in the exercises.

Exercise 1: What if …? – Imagine the following situations and click the correct answer for each of them.

Exercise 2: Match the personal pronouns to the verb forms.

Exercise 3: Click the ⊕ button in the image and read the information about the person.

Then answer the true or false questions.

Exercise 4: Click the ⊕ button in the image and read the dialogue between the two people.

Then answer the true or false questions.

Exercise 5: Complete the sentences.

Tip: You need to find question words, verbs, and personal pronouns.

Exercise 6: Who’s this? – Read the information and write sentences.

Exercise 7: Listen to the person and write full sentences to fill in the correct information.

Exercise 8: Listen to the person and write full sentences to fill in the correct information.

Exercise 9: Listen to the person and write full sentences to fill in the correct information.

Exercise 10: Complete the dialogues by dragging the boxes into their correct positions.


You have completed this question set. How about a nice cup of coffee now?!
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