The changing face of mobility (Level B1+)

Nice to see you here! Here’s what you can practise with this video activity set:

• vocabulary: current mobility trends

• grammar: adjectives vs adverbs

• skills: talking about slow changes, disagreeing politely

• EXTRA: warmer questions and classroom activities (just click the green button on the right)

Let’s start! (7 exercises, duration: 20 minutes)

WARMER QUESTIONS (to think, discuss, or write about)

1.How often do you use public transport? Why? What would make you use it more?

2. Do you feel like electric vehicles are the answer to the pollution caused by diesel/petrol vehicles? Why / why not?

3. When was the last time you used an app to help you get somewhere? Which one was it?

4. How do you think people will travel to work in 100 years?


1. Work with a partner.

Partner A: prepare a list of reasons why electric vehicles are the solution to problems caused by diesel/petrol vehicles.

Partner B: prepare a list of reasons why electric vehicles are not a good alternative to diesel/petrol vehicles.

Go through your lists together and practice agreeing / disagreeing and convincing your partner. Who had the best arguments? Why? What might you do differently next time?

2. America is one of the leading developed countries in the world for car-sharing lanes on its highways whereas Germany has none. Why do you think this is? Could there be cultural reasons? Discuss this question with a partner and present your findings to the class.

3. Is it a good idea to ban diesel vehicles in cities? Why / why not? Make some short notes on your opinion and present them to the class.


Match the words to their definitions. Just drag the boxes to the correct positions.

Choose the correct word for each sentence and type it in.


Now watch the video and be ready to answer some comprehension questions afterwards.



Are the following statements true or false? Click your answer.

Read the questions and choose the correct answer.


Pick the correct forms from the dropdown boxes to complete the sentences.

Tip: Using adjectives and adverbs in English correctly can be difficult.

For more practice, check out our Adjectives vs Adverbs activity set.


Fill in the correct present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.


Unjumble the words in brackets to create common phrases for disagreeing.

Background info: In English, it’s important to be diplomatic and polite when disagreeing with someone.

Well done! You’ve completed this activity set. Take a nice break now!

Don’t hesitate to ask your trainer if you have questions.


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