Sentence structure

Check out the video to revise the most important information.


Summary – German sentence structure

• The most basic German sentence structure is

Subjekt – Verb – Objekt

The verb in the second position is fixed. So when you make sentences, always check if you got this right. Here are some examples:

Das Teammeeting beginnt um 10:30 Uhr.
Ich schreibe die Dokumentation.
Meine Kollegin und ich besuchen eine Messe.

• As mentioned in the video, subject and object can switch positions, e.g.

Der Teamleiter plant die Präsentation.
Die Präsentation plant der Teamleiter.

The same is true for sentence elements of time and location.

• A time element tells you when something happens or is done, e.g.

Der Termin ist am Montag. – Am Montag ist der Termin. (→ Wann? – am Montag)

• A location element specifies where something happens or is done, e.g.

Die Besprechung ist im Büro. – Im Büro ist die Besprechung. (→ Wo? – im Büro)

• So, in a sentence with several elements you are quite flexible in how you can arrange them.

You would always put the element that is most important to your message in the first position.

But remember: The verb always stays in 2nd position!

Ich schreibe die E-Mail am Montag. (Focus: Who?)

Die E-Mail schreibe ich am Montag. (Focus: What?)

Am Montag schreibe ich die E-Mail. (Focus: When?)

Exercise 1: Which subject fits? Complete the sentences by dragging the boxes.

Exercise 2: What is the matching object? Complete the sentences by dragging the boxes.

Exercise 3: Read the sentences and questions below and choose the correct sentence element.

Remember: Subject = Who?, Verb = Activity?, Object = What?

Exercise 4: Find the correct order and write sentences.

Exercise 5: Choose the correct option from the dropdown boxes to rearrange the sentences.

EXTRA: Click the green button on the right to learn how to deal with elements of time and location.

Exercise 6: Read the schedule below and answer the questions.

Good job! You have completed this activity set.

Don’t hesitate to ask your trainer if you have any questions.


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