
Check out the video to revise the most important information.


Click through the slides to get a summary and useful tips!


☑ Most verbs require haben to form the Perfekt. So focusing your effort on the ones with sein might save some energy! The most frequent ones are gehen (ich bin gegangen), fahren (ich bin gefahren), kommen (ich bin gekommen), bleiben (ich bin geblieben).

☑ If a verb has a regular past participle (ge – … – t), just remember it as being regular. With the rule ge – … – t you will always be able to form the past participle! Instead, focus your learning on the irregular past participles.

☑ Some regular past participle forms need an extra e. Otherwise it would be tricky to pronounce these forms, e.g. arbeiten – ich habe gearbeitet, reden – ich habe geredet.

☑ Some more mini rules:

verbs ending in -ieren → past participle always ending in -t (telefonieren – ich habe telefoniert, diskutieren – ich habe diskutiert)

verbs starting with er-, ver-, be- → past participle always ending in -t (erlauben – ich habe erlaubt , verteilen – ich habe verteilt, bestellen – ich habe bestellt)

☑ The German word for past participle is Partizip II or Partizip Perfekt. Whenever you want to find out a verb’s Perfekt form, just search for “Partizip II Your verb”.

Exercise 1: Match the Perfekt and infinitive forms.

Exercise 2: Now use the verbs from Exercise 1 to complete the following sentences – using the Perfekt.

Tip: Pay attention to the correct form of haben. It has to match the subject!

Exercise 3: Choose the correct participle forms of the irregular verbs to complete the sentences.

Exercise 4: Now see if you remember what you have just read in Exercise 3.

Fill in the missing past participle forms to complete the Perfekt.

Exercise 5: Choose the correct verb for each sentence and fill it in in the Perfekt tense.

Tip: Verbs ending in -ieren form a regular Perfekt, too. Check out the Tips for learning! above.

Exercise 6: Are these sentences right or wrong? If wrong, what’s the mistake?

Super! Treat yourself to something nice after this practice session!

Don’t hesitate to ask your trainer if you have any questions.


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