
Check out the video to revise the most important information.



Subjekt Verb Objekt
always Nominativ can be Nominativ, Dativ, Akkusativ
There are verbs and prepositions that require the Akkusativ.

This means you have to use the noun connected with the verb or preposition (e.g. für) in the accusative case.

To use a noun in the accusative case you have to adapt its article:
Nominativ Akkusativ
der / ein Termin den / einen Termin
die / eine E-Mail die / eine E-Mail
das / ein Projekt das / ein Projekt
die Kollegen (Plural) die Kollegen
As you can see the only change occurs for masculine nouns.

A masculine noun used in the accusative case changes its articles from der → den or ein → einen.

For feminine, neuter, and plural nouns you cannot see the difference.


• fragen (= verb that requires the accusative) + der Teamleiter (= masculine noun)

Ich frage den Teamleiter. – It would be wrong to say Ich frage der Teamleiter.

• lesen (= verb that requires the accusative) + die E-Mail (= feminine noun)

Ich lese die E-Mail. – Here, die E-Mail is also used in the accusative case, but you cannot "see" it in the article.

Many German verbs require the accusative case. Here are some typical A 1 verbs to remember:
Everyday life Business life
haben schreiben
machen lesen
brauchen planen
finden analysieren
sehen prüfen
kaufen präsentieren
essen besuchen
trinken organisieren

Exercise 1: In each sentence, mark the word that requires the accusative.

Tip: Click the green button on the right to find a summary of the topic!

Exercise 2: Choose the correct form of the object from the dropdown lists.

Exercise 3: Choose the correct verb for each sentence. Pay attention to the correct verb ending.

Exercise 4: Let’s not ignore the verbs that were incorrect in Exercise 3.

Match the correct article endings to the following sentences.

Exercise 5: Make sentences with the elements given in brackets.

Tip: Figure out what’s subject and what’s object first.

Exercise 6

Good job! You have completed this activity set!

Don’t hesitate to ask your trainer if you have any questions.


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