B1 Skills – Pronouncing the “th” sound –
1 video, 3 exercises, duration: 15 minutes

Watch the video to get some useful tips for the “th” sound.


Now practise your pronunciation and compare it with our audio files.

Exercise 1 a: Unvoiced “th” sound

Check and compare with our audio file:

Exercise 1 b: Voiced “th” sound

Check and compare with our audio file:

Exercise 2: Now let’s mix the “th” sounds up in sentences!

Exercise 3 a: Listen to the words with the “th” sounds and write them down.

Exercise 3 b: Listen to the sentences with the “th” sounds and write them down.

Good job! You have completed this activity set.

If you still can’t get enough of the “th” sound, challenge yourself with this tongue twister:

Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday.